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ProEXR File Description

cameraAperture (float): 36.000000
cameraFNumber (float): 8.000000
cameraFarClip (float): 1000000015047466200000000000000.000000
cameraFarRange (float): 999999984306749440.000000
cameraFocalLength (float): 40.000000
cameraFov (float): 56.617676
cameraNearClip (float): 0.000000
cameraNearRange (float): 0.000000
cameraProjection (int): 0
cameraTargetDistance (float): 267354.937500
cameraTransform (m44f)
channels (chlist)
compression (compression): Zip16
dataWindow (box2i): [0, 0, 4499, 2068] displayWindow (box2i): [0, 0, 4499, 2068] lineOrder (lineOrder): Increasing Y
pixelAspectRatio (float): 1.000000
screenWindowCenter (v2f): [0.000000, 0.000000] screenWindowWidth (float): 1.000000
tiles (tiledesc): [48, 48]

A (half)
B (half)
G (half)
GI.B (half)
GI.G (half)
GI.R (half)
Lighting.B (half)
Lighting.G (half)
Lighting.R (half)
Material ID.B (half)
Material ID.G (half)
Material ID.R (half)
R (half)
Reflection.B (half)
Reflection.G (half)
Reflection.R (half)
Refraction.B (half)
Refraction.G (half)
Refraction.R (half)
Shadow.B (half)
Shadow.G (half)
Shadow.R (half)

Downloads: full (1200x663) | large (980x541) | medium (300x165) | thumbnail (150x150)
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