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Dave Ramsey Endorsed Local Provider

Dave Ramsey Endorsed Local Provider

Work With One of the Best Real Estate Agents in Your Area

When buying or selling a house, you want a real estate agent who negotiates the best deal and treats you as their most important client. That’s what you get when you choose a Dave Ramsey Endorsed Local Provider real estate agent.

What is the Endorsed Local Provider (ELP) Program?

The ELP program is a nationwide service connecting people like you with the top 10% of real estate agents in their area for help with home buying and home selling. ELP only endorses trustworthy, high-caliber real estate agents who are well-respected in their communities.

I Care About You More Than the Sale

As an ELP, I inspire and serve clients first. Getting to know you on a personal level allows a solid recommendation to you and your family based on Dave’s proven principles.

We Are Held to High Standards

As an ELP, I close more homes than 90% of other agents in their area. You’d never build a home without a blueprint. So why blindly buy or sell one without the best agent?

Your Values Are My Values Too

You’re not getting into a deal you don’t want. I value relationships, and as a fan of Dave Ramsey’s principles I know what role your home should play in your budget.

Lauren D Collier is RamseyTrustedTM.

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