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REALTOR® Vs Real Estate Agent?

REALTOR® vs Real Estate Agent?

People ask me all the time what the difference is between a REALTOR® and a real estate agent. The phrase “real estate agent” is a job title that carries with it certain duties and responsibilities to represent one’s clients under the direction of national and state real estate laws. On the other hand, “REALTOR®” is a membership designation, which indicates that an agent is a member of the National Association of REALTORS®, sworn to uphold the REALTOR® Code of Ethics, and governed by a set of obligations that may be higher than those mandated by law. I identify as a REALTOR® because I align my business practices with the REALTOR® Code of Ethics, and I want my clients to recognize that my ethical standards are higher than the job description “real estate agent” implies.

To elaborate, I, like other REALTORS® nationwide, have pledged to protect the individual’s right of real estate ownership. As the Code states, “Under all is the land.” Our civilization and our freedom depend upon the land and the best use thereof. The right of the individual to freely own real property is a cornerstone of American freedom. Therefore, I, like other REALTORS®, have pledged to widen the opportunity of my fellow Americans to enjoy the individual right of real estate ownership. I have pledged to be fair and honest in all dealings, to act fairly towards all in the spirit of the Golden Rule, and to serve my community and through it my country. I have also pledged to seek out to continuing education in order to always better represent my clients. These are commitments I take seriously and practice daily in my real estate business. I wish to emphasize my commitment to a high ethical standard of practice, and thus I routinely identify myself as your Local REALTOR®. Although I do the job of an agent, I do it in the spirit and to the standards of the Association of REALTORS®.

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