Lauren D Collier Earns National Military Housing Specialist Certification
COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO, JULY 6, 2013 – Lauren D Collier has achieved the rare distinction of becoming nationally certified to work with military homebuyers after graduating from the Certified Military Housing Specialist Course.
This course is exclusively offered by USA Cares, Inc, a national military assistance nonprofit that gives emergency financial support to military and their families. The course offers training on the lifestyle circumstances of military members and aims educate real estate professional on the unique needs of military communities.
The course and certification also help real estate professionals make sense of the military’s language, ranking and pay system, and all major factors in determining whether a military member can buy a home.
“We are the only national organization offering this type of training,” said Peter Giusti, president of USA Cares.”It’s important for the real estate community to understand how to serve our nation’s military with to highest standard. They can’t do that unless they understand the military’s world and language.”
Besides educating real estate professionals, the course gives training regarding foreclosure prevention in the military community – all for the purpose of better serving military customers and coaching them on responsible mortgage options.
About: Lauren D Collier
Lauren D Collier believes that property ownership is a meaningful personal experience for every person, bringing freedom, responsibility, stability, and comfort. She works with Epic Real Estate Group to help others realize their dreams of home ownership and real estate investing success.
About: USA Cares
USA Cares, Inc. is a national nonprofit that raises funds and public awareness to supply post-9/11 career and non-career military service members with grants to remedy the financial hardship caused by multiple deployments or service to the nation. The organization operates an exclusive and unique program that trains financial professionals on the uniqueness of lending to military members.