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Stratton Meadows Elementary Special Education Department Is The Latest Beneficiary Of Colorado Springs Teacher Program

Stratton Meadows Elementary Special Education Department is the Latest Beneficiary of Colorado Springs Teacher Program

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO – JUNE 3, 2024:  Stratton Meadows Elementary School Special Education Department is the Latest Beneficiary of The Colorado Springs Teacher Program

Every day we entrust our kids to excellent teachers and highly skilled education professionals like Meg Linn. To teach them, motivate them, and make sure they finish the school year with more skills and knowledge than they began!

That is why Lauren D Collier of real estate firm Live Dream Colorado started the Colorado Springs Teacher Program. When a teacher, administrator, or support professional at a Colorado Springs school chooses to work with Live Dream Colorado to buy or sell a home, the community-minded REALTORS® put the Teacher Program to work, donating to the teacher’s school or school program of choice.

Ms. Linn recently worked with Live Dream Colorado to purchase a home, activating the Teacher Program. On June 3, 2024 Lauren Collier and Jay Collier dropped by on the first day of summer school to deliver a check in the amount of $250 to Stratton Meadows Elementary Special Education Department in the presence of the heads of the Special Education team, Tanya Hubbard with The Autism Program and Christina Ochsie with Significant Support Needs. The funds were actually a nice first day surprise for the teachers, since Ms. Linn works district-wide and directed the donation there. The SPED department will soon decide the best way to apply the funds – and we’re certain they’ll decide on an excellent use.

This is just a small way they give back and simply say Thank You to all of the teachers and many other highly skilled education professionals who do so much for all of our kids and communities.

Teachers of all grade levels and subjects are welcome to participate in raising funds for their school, and all schools in Colorado Springs are eligible to participate in the Colorado Springs Teacher Program.

Learn more about our Colorado Springs Teacher Program at

Tanya Hubbard and Christina Ochsie, heads of the Special Education team at Stratton Meadows Elementary School, accept check from Live Dream Colorado on the first day of summer school June 3, 2024. Funds were a surprise and allocation will soon be decided!

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