We were talking about selling our house in Colorado, and two years ago we started doing the necessary upgrades. We didn’t know where we were going or when, but we knew we needed to downsize. I cried when we finally left. My youngest daughter was born in that house. It was sad to sell it. We loved that house. We put so much time and money into it. We had kids there and dogs we loved. My plants. Rose bushes my brother gave me. But it was time for the house to find another family to love. We had to let go of that old stuff in order to embrace something new. Lauren was a delight to work with from start to finish. She’s very practical and evidence-based. She researches things. She knows what works and what doesn’t work. When she tells you to do something, she knows why you should do it. She was so prepared and knowledgeable. I was a Realtor for 7 years, and people asked me if I was going to sell the house myself. I said no, because I really believe you need a professional to do it. Someone who is up to date because markets and trends change. Lauren stays up to date. I was worried about my ugly laundry room. It had a southwestern border from the 90s. Lauren said, ‘I don’t think that’s a high priority. You’ve done all the important things people care about and look for.’ And she was right. She brought in a magician to do the photographs. She works with this amazing service for showings. You could set it up online and people could schedule viewings and you’d get notified so you could get out of the house. Lauren always made sure to get feedback. She has a system that is flawless. She communicates really well. She communicated with both of us. Just the right amount. She’s factual and pragmatic. She’ll say ‘These are your options. This is what I’ve seen other people do. This is what’s happening in your neighborhood. But it’s your choice.’ We finally decided to sell because we really felt like we would get top dollar in this market, and we weren’t sure what we’d get later. We are thrilled with the price we got. We got more than we ever thought we would get. Ultimately, I appreciated Lauren’s pragmatic approach, because selling a house is a business decision. I didn’t get emotional until the end. Up until then I was all about the process. – Eileen Healy, 2020