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Foundation For School District 11 – Teacher Program

Foundation for School District 11 – Teacher Program

Press Release

Foundation for School District 11 is latest beneficiary of Colorado Springs Teacher Program


COLORADO SPRINGS, CO – JANUARY 12, 2018:  Foundation for School District 11 Benefits From The Colorado Springs Teacher Program.

The Foundation for School District 11 has an important and unique mission. They provide innovation grants to teachers who present great classroom project ideas that need a little extra funding. And they fund scholarships for students who are going on to be first-generation post-secondary students.

Supporting these type of important initiatives is why Lauren D Collier of real estate firm Live Dream Colorado started the Colorado Springs Teacher Program. We entrust our kids to teachers and schools throughout the year.  To take care of them, comfort them, listen to them, teach them, and make sure they obtain new skills!

When any teacher at any school in Colorado Springs chooses to work with Live Dream Colorado to buy or sell a home, the community-minded Realtors make a donation to the teacher’s school or school program of choice.

When Vice President of the Board of Education at Colorado Springs School District 11, Shawn Gullixson, decided to sell a property with Live Dream Colorado, he knew exactly where he wanted his Teacher Program funds to go! To a program that works hard in the background, funding special projects and special students across the school district. School teachers in all the over 50 schools in School District 11 are eligible to submit an application for grant funding from the Foundation for School District 11 for an innovative classroom project idea. Grants range from $100-$500 and support creative projects in the arts, sciences, and humanities. If you are a District 11 teacher who would like to apply for such a grant, just go here to learn more and apply:

On January 11, 2018, Lauren Collier presented a check in the amount of $250 to the District 11 Foundation Board, received by Board President Wayne Hutchison, Board Treasurer Jan Tanner, and Board Member Patricia Reitwiesner. Providing the funds to fund one Inspiring Creativity grant is just a small way to give back and simply say Thank You to all of the teachers that do so much for all of our kids and communities.

Teachers of all grade levels and subjects are welcome to participate in raising funds for their school, and all schools in Colorado Springs are eligible to participate in the Colorado Springs Teacher Program.

Learn more about our Colorado Springs Teacher Program at

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