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Caution, Sellers!

“Beware of real estate agents who will ‘buy’ your listing.”  This was the title of an article recently published in the Chicago Tribune, written by Kenneth R. Harney. The article begins: “It’s one of those hush-hush practices that homeowners rarely…

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Stage a House to Sell

For a quicker, easier, higher priced sale, make sure to stage your home before going on market! A staged home results in fantastic marketing photos and fantastic showings that will result in selling your house quicker at the highest market price!

This is something we can help you with!

Staging means beautifying the home by using the furnishings and decorations you already have to enhance the space. Staging means making the buyer feel at home in the property and helping them to envision what the home will feel like to live in. Staging helps buyers overlook minor property defects and feel like the home is perfect for them. And it works!

Some steps you can take to stage your home to sell include:

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